Blog 9
Hi everyone! Today I am going to discuss my experiences as a distance learner. I am a distance learner doing online and remote courses due to the pandemic. Before COVID-19, I had taken a few courses online. As someone with a lot of anxiety, having courses online has helped me relax easier while learning. Although relaxing is good, online courses sometimes provide too much of a lax environment in terms of zoning out in class and turning in assignments late. I have found that in online courses I prefer synchronous meeting but asynchronous due dates. The problem with the alternative to this, asynchronous meeting/none and synchronous due dates, is that I often forget to watch videos and when I do, I often zone out because there is no interaction. I also get behind on assignments when I forget to watch videos. If I become an online teacher, I would give students a guideline to follow for the semester but allow for plenty of time to turn in assign...